You can buy EURO with USD, USD with EURO, or EURO with RMB or other currencies.
The Buyer is the one, that will receive the agreeable discount.
We will refer to you as Currency Buyer, and the Currency Exchanger can exchange most currencies in the world, at an agreeable exchange rate, be it USD, Euro, British pound or other valid existing currency.
We will use the term agreeable exchange rate and not discount or percentage as we do not know the exact discount, and we do not know what currency the buyer is buying or when he will be ready to buy.
Please understand, that we are not dealing with a USD or Euro P, but a Currency Exchanger, which works under different fed laws, even though it is a private transaction.
Sadly, 98% of all currency transactions with a bonus, discount or commission, are not getting accomplished and USD P¡¯s and Euro P¡¯s are blaming each other.
Most of the reason for this is quite simple. The banks control the money.
This is not a FOREX deal.
The currency exchanger does not need any docs from the buyer, before the Currency rep speaks to the buyer.
The procedures that are being used (MT103, L2L, S2S, B2B, SKR 2 SKR and C2C) are not working efficiently or not working at all.
The reason these transactions are failing is because the banks control the real money and the Buyer must be able to move his funds first to the ¡°Portal¡± account that will be established for the Buyer.
The currency exchanger is the one giving the agreeable exchange rate and the buyer is the beneficiary.
Also, THIS IS A PRIVATE TRANSACTION. This Currency exchange Principal has FED STATUS CLEARANCE and has no limit on the amount that can be exchanged. However, it must be done the way it has been approved, PERIOD.
Very rarely do currency deals get done as the buyer and their banks have been trying for months and even years without success.
The fact is a currency deal is not hard and is very simple to execute. This currency exchanger has a successful track record and will assist the buyer, towards a successful transaction.
The buyer, must remember a very important factor of a currency transaction. "THEY ARE THE BUYER AND THE CURRENCY EXCHANGE RECEIVER"
The Currency Exchanger ( Principal / Bank) will exchange your currency, for USD, Euro, or whatever currency you request, at an agreeable exchange rate, to be discussed, between the buyer and the Exchange Approval Officer.
The agreeable exchange rate will be higher than the buyer¡¯s bank could ever pay and will be satisfactory to the buyer.
1) The Buyer will provide a ¡°Consultancy Agreement¡±, signed by the Buyer/Provider.
2) The currency exchange rep, speaks to the Buyer of the currency.
3) The currency exchange representative sets up a call with the Buyer and the Exchange Officer.
4) The Exchange Officer will go over the agreeable exchange rate and provide the Buyer with the currency exchange contract.
5) The Provider/Buyer, will respond with the authorization letter, signed by the Buyer, that is provided, along with the currency exchange procedures.
6) The first tranche is $100Million or more.
The actual transactor is the bank¡¯s transacting banker and he is the one who truly understands, creates and opens a portal account to transact through. Then the Buyer brings in money from any bank or company and transacts it through the already created open portal account. The Currency Exchanger on the other end will then exchange any amount that the Buyer tells the bank transactor to exchange.
Please read and understand how simple it is to do this currency exchange.
There is an account with the Buyer's name or Buyer¡¯s corporation's name on it. Your transacting banker will open the portal, using this person's or company's account with the Currency Exchanger¡¯s transacter.
Once this Portal Account is opened, then the banking transacter for the Buyer, can feed any banks, company's or person's currency into the portal account and within seconds, the currency is exchanged and inserted with the agreeable exchange rate, into the Buyers account.
This can continue as long as there is currency going from the Buyer¡¯s portal account to the Currency Exchanger's portal account and back and forth without financial limitations.
It's like having as many banks or money sources as you want going into just one portal account. (This eliminates the need for multiple contracts)
We will facilitate direct contact with the CURRENCY EXCHANGE BANK TRANSACTOR. We invite the Buyer/Signatory to speak directly with him. He will verify how simple a currency exchange transaction can be. SIMPLE!
Please do not ask the CURRENCY EXCHANGER to move first. As this is a currency transaction and since you will be (Buyer) the one receiving the exchange rate for the money that you insert into the portal, the Currency Exchanger cannot move first. This is the only legal way any bank currency transactor works. The main point being that he is not swapping currency, he is exchanging currency with an agreeable exchange rate.
EXAMPLE: If you walk into a bank, with a check, for a $1,000, you can not tell the teller, that you will give him the check after he gives you the $1,000. The person, must give the bank his check, then the banker will cash it and give him his $1,000.
In our case, it is cashed with an agreeable extra percentage going to the person with the check. ( That is the currency buyer)
The difference here is that you the Buyer already have money and you must put in it into your Portal account or you will not be able to take money out. ie.(If you open an account and never deposit funds into it, you will never be able to withdraw funds).
It is the same with the currency exchanger. You put in your money and out comes your currency, with the agreeable exchange rate and you can keep doing this until you or whatever banks, corporations or personal accounts exchange all the funds desired. The Currency Exchanger has no limits and can transact, as much as the Buyer wants to exchange, and places in his Portal account.
About the portal: It is Banker's terminology for a window of transferring the currency back and forth. Once the portal is opened, the Buyer can bring money from any source he wants, as long as it moves through the portal for currency exchange. This takes just a couple seconds. After the enter button is pushed, it is right back into the Buyer's account with his exchange rate. It is opened with the currency transferring officer and then it becomes automatic like an ATM machine.
The currency transaction officer will open the Portal Account with the Buyer¡¯s currency transacting officer. The account opens once the transacting officer does the first tranche and continues until the Buyer has completed his currency exchange.
All transactions are monitored by the Fed and are 100% safe. The bank is a FED authorized bank.
If the Buyer would like to do all their transacting, in a TTM manner, then for a fee, the transacting officer can go to the buyer's bank and do all the transacting right there with the buyer via the currency transactor's laptop.
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